Saturday, September 26, 2009

El Topo


This movie has it all.

Love, heartbreak, redemption, an armless man and a legless man harnessed together and acting in concert, a lion, a disemboweled horse, a pile of spontaneously combusting dead rabbits, male nudity, female nudity, female midget nudity, voyeuristic public castration, violence, homosexuality, a naked child putting a dying man out of his misery with his father's pistol, weird costumes, some weird sex scenes, gross old women in lingerie, a soundtrack that is ironic at best, Russian roulette, and a race of subterranian deformed inbreds longing to reach the surface only to be slaughtered by weird townsfolk who are then slaughtered by El Topo who then kills himself by dousing himself in kerosene and setting himself on fire.

The weirdest movie that I have ever seen, but far from the worst.

The allegory of a principled, talented, and shockingly insane person.

Costume design, production design, screenplay, score, and direction by Alejandro Jodorowsky. He also plays the starring role, that of El Topo. I would not want to be stuck on an elevator with him.

Also John Lennon was a big fan. That is all.

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